Canon Guy, as he was known by his parishioners, came to Leek Wootton late in his career. Having been ordained in 1958 he had previously served as Curate in Longton (1957-60) and Wood End (1960-64), as Rector of Caldecote and Weddington (1964-84), Rural Dean of Nuneaton (1979-84) and Rector of Bilton (1984-91), all in Coventry Diocese. It was Guy’s ongoing link with St Chad’s, Wood End (where he had been Curate), that led to his establishing a link between the PCCs of St Chad’s and All Saints’ Churches, which continues to this day. Guy, his wife Helen and their children, Ruth and Sam, arrived in Leek Wootton in 1991. It was during his incumbency that plans were set in motion for the alterations at the west end of the church, which created the balcony, Millennium Room, kitchen and toilet facilities. A plaque recognising his contribution is on the oak panelling beneath the staircase. During his incumbency Leek Wootton C of E First School was threatened with closure and along with a team of parishioners, Guy campaigned to save the school and was instrumental in founding All Saints’ C of E (Voluntary Aided) Community Primary School in 1996. Also during this time, Helen was unwell and received a kidney transplant and Ruth was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. Guy retired in 1998. Ruth died in February 2002 and her ashes were interred in the Garden of Remembrance, by her father, just eight days before his sudden death from a heart attack whilst playing golf at The Warwickshire Golf & Country Club. His funeral was held at All Saints’ Church and his ashes were interred in the Garden of Remembrance alongside those of his daughter.
Vicars of Leek Wootton
Predecessor: Keith Maudsley | Successor: Brian Pearson