To see the general pattern of services, which is always subject to changes, please click on the button below
Most of our 10am Sunday Morning services plus weekday Morning Prayer and Compline services are livestreamed on our Zoom channel.
Some service recordings are made available for people to catch up or listen again. Click below for options.
Our leadership team are always happy to pray with or for you. We have a regular pattern of prayer for the homes within our parish.
growing in hope and joy,
reaching out with love,
with the Holy Spirit guiding us
Our Motivation
Our faith in God, as Father, Son and Holy Spirit, is built on the Word of God: Jesus, the ‘Living Word’ and the Bible, the ‘Written Word’. These two expressions of God’s Word are in perfect harmony with each other and each helps us to understand the other.
Through the Word, we understand that the death of Christ on the Cross is the unique opportunity for all people to enter into a restored and eternal relationship of love with God and, through God, to one another as members of GOD’S FAMILY.
The sin of each and every one of us was carried to death by Jesus and, in return, by the grace of God, he offers us his perfect righteousness. This can only be received through faith in Jesus which involves repentence and a life-long discipleship as we continue GROWING IN HOPE AND JOY.
The love which we have discovered in our relationship with the living God inspires us to share this good news, REACHING OUT WITH LOVE in personal contact to the community in which he has placed us, and through charitable support to others around the world.
All this we seek to do in partnership with the wider church, across denominations as part of Churches Together in Kenilworth and District and with the Church of England as part of Kenilworth Deanery within the Diocese of Coventry, journeying in faith together WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT GUIDING US.